His Deity and Humanity
The Creator and triune God exists eternally as one Being, yet three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus, God's Son, was born as a man, fully God and fully man. He is God in the flesh, and has revealed God's character to mankind.  

His Life  
Jesus is the only human in all of history to never sin. His life perfectly revealed God's love and glory. Jesus' sinless life is our example, yet His purpose was not merely to be a good example. Jesus' purpose was to lay down His life in order to bring salvation to all people.  

His Death  
Though Jesus never sinned, He was hated by mankind. He was tortured at the hands of men, suffered, and died a gruesome death on the Cross. This was why Jesus lived: in order to die. He died the death that sinners deserve, in our place, and was buried in a tomb.  

His Resurrection  
After three days in the tomb, some friends of Jesus went to visit His tomb only to find it empty. Jesus had risen from the dead, and appeared in bodily form to many people. Through His resurrection, Jesus proved that He was God and He had defeated death.  

His Ascension  
After rising from the dead, Jesus spoke to His disciples and commissioned them to proclaim His life, death, and resurrection to the ends of the earth. He then ascended into Heaven where He sits today at the right hand of God the Father.  His Return  The Bible says that one day Jesus will return. Upon His return, Jesus will finally and completely destroy evil, and He will judge the living and the dead. Those who have trusted in Him will enjoy eternal life with Him and those who have not will be sent away from Him to eternal punishment.  

His Mission  
Jesus' life, death, resurrection, ascension, and return proclaim His mission: to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. As Jesus called His disciiples to this mission, so He calls all Christians to make disciples of all nations.
Your Response  
Jesus' life, death, and resurrection demands a response from all people. We are all sinners in need of God's grace and mercy that come only from faith in Jesus. The Bible is clear that either we follow Jesus or we reject Him. We urge you to trust in Him today. And please come talk to us about it... Contact one of our elders or any Christ Community member that you know. We would be delighted to get to get to know you and talk more about Jesus.