Midweek Announcements 8.14.24
Men's Sports, Games, & Fellowship Night - Aug 16
On Friday August 16 from 8-10pm we have reserved the gym at Judah Christian School for a time of sports and board games for men ages 18+. This is a great opportunity for you to bring friends and neighbors to meet others in the church.
Women's Ministry Kickoff - Aug 17
You're invited to come and celebrate God at work - recalling together how he has been working and anticipating the coming year of growing & serving the church together with our gifts. Join us for an evening of connection, vision, and learning of opportunities for growing as disciples. Appetizers will be served! More info + RSVP
Pine Collective Lunch - This Sunday!
Pine Collective is a place of belonging for individuals and families impacted by disability. We gather once a month for lunch + fellowship to be renewed in God's purposeful plan for our uniquely designed lives. We want to be a place that acknowledges suffering and embraces God's goodness, a place that helps strengthen our church as a place of belonging for all people.
If you, your family, or someone you care for are affected by disability, please join us for an hour over lunch on Aug. 18. Register here. Contact jessica.etheridge@familylife.com with any questions.
Calling All Students - Sep 15
Calling all (college) students! On Sunday, Sep 15 we will have a free lunch for you immediately following the Renewal Gathering at the Pavilion on the north side of the YMCA parking lot. Come join us to meet other students and hear about what it looks like to be involved and connected as a college student at Christ Community. Register Here.
CC Kids Promotion Sunday
With the start of the school year approaching, we will be promoting our grade level students on Sunday, Aug. 18 to the next grade. For some children this involves a change in classroom (i.e. incoming 2nd graders move up to the 2nd-3rd grade class). For our younger kids, the Yellow, Blue, and Red classrooms will have some shifting to evenly distribute the children. If you have any questions about what class your child will be in on Aug. 18, please feel free to reach out to Cathy Caughey (217-979-1289 / cathy.caughey@gmail.com).
Outdoor Service - Aug 25
Every August the YMCA shuts down the building for a week of repairs and updates, so we won’t have access to the indoor facility on Sunday Aug. 25. Instead we will be using the outdoor pavilion and lawn area on the north side of the parking lot.
Youth Group Fall Kickoff - Aug 25
All students 5th-12th grade welcome! Come for games and fun as we kick off another year of youth group. August 25th 2:15-4PM @ First Christian Church
Men’s Retreat
The annual Men’s Retreat will be Sep 27 - 28. Registration and more info can be found here.
This Week's Sermon Scripture
Philippians 4:10-23
On Friday August 16 from 8-10pm we have reserved the gym at Judah Christian School for a time of sports and board games for men ages 18+. This is a great opportunity for you to bring friends and neighbors to meet others in the church.
Women's Ministry Kickoff - Aug 17
You're invited to come and celebrate God at work - recalling together how he has been working and anticipating the coming year of growing & serving the church together with our gifts. Join us for an evening of connection, vision, and learning of opportunities for growing as disciples. Appetizers will be served! More info + RSVP
Pine Collective Lunch - This Sunday!
Pine Collective is a place of belonging for individuals and families impacted by disability. We gather once a month for lunch + fellowship to be renewed in God's purposeful plan for our uniquely designed lives. We want to be a place that acknowledges suffering and embraces God's goodness, a place that helps strengthen our church as a place of belonging for all people.
If you, your family, or someone you care for are affected by disability, please join us for an hour over lunch on Aug. 18. Register here. Contact jessica.etheridge@familylife.com with any questions.
Calling All Students - Sep 15
Calling all (college) students! On Sunday, Sep 15 we will have a free lunch for you immediately following the Renewal Gathering at the Pavilion on the north side of the YMCA parking lot. Come join us to meet other students and hear about what it looks like to be involved and connected as a college student at Christ Community. Register Here.
CC Kids Promotion Sunday
With the start of the school year approaching, we will be promoting our grade level students on Sunday, Aug. 18 to the next grade. For some children this involves a change in classroom (i.e. incoming 2nd graders move up to the 2nd-3rd grade class). For our younger kids, the Yellow, Blue, and Red classrooms will have some shifting to evenly distribute the children. If you have any questions about what class your child will be in on Aug. 18, please feel free to reach out to Cathy Caughey (217-979-1289 / cathy.caughey@gmail.com).
Outdoor Service - Aug 25
Every August the YMCA shuts down the building for a week of repairs and updates, so we won’t have access to the indoor facility on Sunday Aug. 25. Instead we will be using the outdoor pavilion and lawn area on the north side of the parking lot.
- There will be limited seating provided so *please bring your own lawn chairs and/or blankets for seating*
- Without access to the indoor areas we will not have any Kids classrooms or childcare. Instead all children will worship with us for the full service. Activity pages and crayons will be provided, but please feel free to bring any items you may want to have during the service.
- We will be monitoring the weather as that date approaches and update you accordingly.
Youth Group Fall Kickoff - Aug 25
All students 5th-12th grade welcome! Come for games and fun as we kick off another year of youth group. August 25th 2:15-4PM @ First Christian Church
Men’s Retreat
The annual Men’s Retreat will be Sep 27 - 28. Registration and more info can be found here.
This Week's Sermon Scripture
Philippians 4:10-23
Adult Sunday School - Fall Schedule
We will offer 3 Adult Sunday School Classes during the Fall Semester
- Sabbath: 4-week class taught by Josh Loomis beginning Sep. 15
- Creeds: 6-week class taught by John Richmann beginning Oct. 13
- Trauma: 5-week class taught by Nate Himes beginning Oct. 20
Care Team Ministry
The Crisis Care Team ministry exists to care for the extraordinary short term needs of families and individuals at Christ Community by facilitating small teams of people to help meet those needs with clearly defined goals and timelines.
Send an email to christcommunitycucares@gmail.com if you or someone you know needs help!
Send an email to christcommunitycucares@gmail.com if you or someone you know needs help!
Posted in Midweek Announcements