Midweek Announcements 3.5.25

This Week's Sermon Scripture

Acts 17:16-32
Sunday, 3/16 is a "5th Sunday" for CC Kids
Due to spring break, 3/16 will be a "5th Sunday" service, which means preschool, K-1, 2nd-3rd grade, and 4th grade CC Kids classes will be closed. Instead, these children will attend the worship service with the rest of the church. "Sermon note sheets" and crayons/pencils will be available in the gym. Please feel free to bring any other items you may want to have during the service. Our Nursery and Toddler (Yellow, Blue, Red) rooms will remain open and staffed as usual. While we believe there is great value in the age-appropriate, gospel-centered Bible lessons taught by our fantastic teachers who serve in CC Kids, we also believe that there is great value in children worshiping alongside the whole church. These 5th Sundays provide a great regular rhythm to do just that!

Next Baptism Class & Baptism
Easter Sunday, April 20, will be our next baptism service. If you are interested in getting baptized, please attend the baptism class right after church on 3/30.  
Sign up here

Secret Church 2025
Spend 1 night studying the gospel of Matthew as well as praying for the persecuted Church in hard to reach places of the world. Save the date for Apr. 11, 5:45p-midnight at New City Church. Registration cost is $12, and refreshments will be included.
Register for Secret Church

Care Team Ministry

The Crisis Care Team ministry exists to care for the extraordinary short term needs of families and individuals at Christ Community by facilitating small teams of people to help meet those needs with clearly defined goals and timelines.

Send an email to christcommunitycucares@gmail.com if you or someone you know needs help!




