Midweek Announcements 10.11.23
We recently announced the new CC Mobile App. Our hope is to utilize the app and church communication tools through Subsplash (Church Management Software) to replace Realm over time. We are continuing communication through Realm through Dec. 31 but we do encourage you to download the CC Mobile App to get started.
Men’s Retreat - Register Today
All men of CC (ages 10+) are invited to the annual Men’s Retreat on Oct.27-28 at Hanging Rock Camp in West Lebanon, IN. $75 includes 3 meals, lodging, fun, & fellowship. Our Speaker is Church Planter/Pastor, Jon Bricker.
Register here.
If cost is a barrier for you please let us know, scholarships are available.
Contact jordan@christcommunitycu.com with questions or scholarship requests.
Important Giving Update
Along with the new CC mobile app, our giving platform has changed (Subsplash). This switch will help us save on processing fees and streamline our giving processes.
If you have a recurring gift set up through Realm we ask that you do two things:
Go to christcommunitycu.com/give for more info/instructions.
Need help? Email jordan@chistcommunitycu.com
Thank you for your generosity!
Baptism Service
We are planning another baptism service (likely in November). The baptism class for all prospective baptizees will be held on October 29. If you or your child are interested in being baptized you can let us know through the Baptism form on the CC App or by emailing jordan@christcommunitycu.com
Bags and Baklava
You're invited to Josh and Kara Sauder's for Illini homecoming on October 21! Join us to learn more about how to encourage and partner with Jess Villie as she prepares to return to the Middle East, while enjoying tailgate food and drinks and Middle Eastern dessert, playing bags and euchre, and watching the game together on the big screen.
Game time is at 2:30 p.m., but feel free to come as early as 2:00 p.m. Shoot Kara a text (605-496-2486) with any questions. Hope to see you there! RSVP Here or through the CC App
(Due to space and activities, this won't necessarily be a kid-friendly event, so we recommend securing childcare and coming to enjoy time with other adults! If finding childcare is a hindrance to coming, shoot Kara a text and she'd be happy to think through it with you!)
Foster Care Worker Appreciation & Partnership
The foster care ministry is working with Urbana DCFS to help meet foster care needs. We are wanting to build a relationship with the DCFS workers & show them the love of Jesus through baked goods & cards. Sign a card before/after the Renewal Gathering. Sign up here to provide baked goods.
International Friendship Partners
UIUC is home to 11,548 international students from over 100 countries! As an International Friendship Partner, you can love + welcome students from all over the world. We hope every student encounters the love of God through the people of God! For more info contact Dan Wang | 630-272-6269 | djwang91@gmail.com
Filter of Hope Trip
There will be a Filter of Hope trip to the Dominican Republic March 10-15th 2024. All ages are welcome! This is a great opportunity for families to step out in faith, pray, and experience God’s heart for the world together while we partner with a local church and bring water filters and the Gospel to homes in the DR.
Text Jess Etheridge (309) 258-0391 or Nathan Price (309) 253-0595 if you want to hear more details
This Week’s Sermon Scripture
Exodus 6:1 -7:7
Men’s Retreat - Register Today
All men of CC (ages 10+) are invited to the annual Men’s Retreat on Oct.27-28 at Hanging Rock Camp in West Lebanon, IN. $75 includes 3 meals, lodging, fun, & fellowship. Our Speaker is Church Planter/Pastor, Jon Bricker.
Register here.
If cost is a barrier for you please let us know, scholarships are available.
Contact jordan@christcommunitycu.com with questions or scholarship requests.
Important Giving Update
Along with the new CC mobile app, our giving platform has changed (Subsplash). This switch will help us save on processing fees and streamline our giving processes.
If you have a recurring gift set up through Realm we ask that you do two things:
- Cancel your gift on Realm
- Set up your new gift through Subsplash.
Go to christcommunitycu.com/give for more info/instructions.
Need help? Email jordan@chistcommunitycu.com
Thank you for your generosity!
Baptism Service
We are planning another baptism service (likely in November). The baptism class for all prospective baptizees will be held on October 29. If you or your child are interested in being baptized you can let us know through the Baptism form on the CC App or by emailing jordan@christcommunitycu.com
Bags and Baklava
You're invited to Josh and Kara Sauder's for Illini homecoming on October 21! Join us to learn more about how to encourage and partner with Jess Villie as she prepares to return to the Middle East, while enjoying tailgate food and drinks and Middle Eastern dessert, playing bags and euchre, and watching the game together on the big screen.
Game time is at 2:30 p.m., but feel free to come as early as 2:00 p.m. Shoot Kara a text (605-496-2486) with any questions. Hope to see you there! RSVP Here or through the CC App
(Due to space and activities, this won't necessarily be a kid-friendly event, so we recommend securing childcare and coming to enjoy time with other adults! If finding childcare is a hindrance to coming, shoot Kara a text and she'd be happy to think through it with you!)
Foster Care Worker Appreciation & Partnership
The foster care ministry is working with Urbana DCFS to help meet foster care needs. We are wanting to build a relationship with the DCFS workers & show them the love of Jesus through baked goods & cards. Sign a card before/after the Renewal Gathering. Sign up here to provide baked goods.
International Friendship Partners
UIUC is home to 11,548 international students from over 100 countries! As an International Friendship Partner, you can love + welcome students from all over the world. We hope every student encounters the love of God through the people of God! For more info contact Dan Wang | 630-272-6269 | djwang91@gmail.com
Filter of Hope Trip
There will be a Filter of Hope trip to the Dominican Republic March 10-15th 2024. All ages are welcome! This is a great opportunity for families to step out in faith, pray, and experience God’s heart for the world together while we partner with a local church and bring water filters and the Gospel to homes in the DR.
Text Jess Etheridge (309) 258-0391 or Nathan Price (309) 253-0595 if you want to hear more details
This Week’s Sermon Scripture
Exodus 6:1 -7:7
Posted in Midweek Announcements