Midweek Announcements 12.18.24

Christmas Eve Service
Join us on Christmas Eve from 7:00 - 8:00p at Urbana First United Methodist Church (304 S Race St - Urbana) for a special service as we worship our Savior.

Women's Retreat - Save the Date!
February 21st-22nd, 2025 in Bloomington, IL
More details coming soon!

No CC Kids 12/22 & 12/29
With the majority of our Volunteer Team out of town over the holidays, we will not have any of our CC Kids classrooms open during the Renewal Gathering on 12/22 and 12/29. Sermon notes and coloring pages will be available in the gym.

Care Team Ministry

The Crisis Care Team ministry exists to care for the extraordinary short term needs of families and individuals at Christ Community by facilitating small teams of people to help meet those needs with clearly defined goals and timelines.

Send an email to christcommunitycucares@gmail.com if you or someone you know needs help!

This Week's Sermon Scripture

Advent Series:
1 John 4:7-12




