Midweek Announcements 11.8.23
We recently announced the new CC Mobile App. Our hope is to utilize the app and church communication tools through Subsplash (Church Management Software) to replace Realm over time. We are continuing communication through Realm through Dec. 31 but we do encourage you to download the CC Mobile App to get started.
Core Communities Now Live
Our new Core Communities (Small Groups) are live! Check them out + join a group online or on the app.
Women's Soup Social
The women at Christ Community are invited to an evening of connection and conversation over warm soup and toasty bread. We'll be gathering on November 19th at 4:30 pm in Hannah Steedly's home. Please register here and let us know if you can bring a soup or side!
Perspectives Class
Save the date for this 15-week catalytic course, and learn how you can be a part of what God is doing all around the world. Registration opening soon!
Classes will meet 6:00-8:30pm on Tuesdays from January 16 - April 30
Questions? cu.perspectives@gmail.com
Hosting International Students for Thanksgiving
We currently have LOTS of international students who want to experience a Thanksgiving dinner this November. Here are Dan’s top 3 reasons why you might consider:
1. Experiencing cross-cultural relationships is awesome, interesting and enriching.
2. It’s an easy way to love and welcome others as God has loved and welcomed you (Leviticus 19:34).
3. God is actively at work bringing the nations to Himself– and He wants to use you in it!
If you’re interested, fill out this volunteer form. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dan Wang: 630-272-6269.
Women’s Retreat
Save the date for the 2024 Women’s Retreat! February 16-17, 2024. More details to follow.
Filter of Hope Trip
There will be a Filter of Hope trip to the Dominican Republic March 10-15th 2024. All ages are welcome! This is a great opportunity for families to step out in faith, pray, and experience God’s heart for the world together while we partner with a local church and bring water filters and the Gospel to homes in the DR.
Text Jess Etheridge (309) 258-0391 or Nathan Price (309) 253-0595 if you want to hear more details
This Week’s Sermon Scripture
Exodus 12:33 - 13:16
Core Communities Now Live
Our new Core Communities (Small Groups) are live! Check them out + join a group online or on the app.
Women's Soup Social
The women at Christ Community are invited to an evening of connection and conversation over warm soup and toasty bread. We'll be gathering on November 19th at 4:30 pm in Hannah Steedly's home. Please register here and let us know if you can bring a soup or side!
Perspectives Class
Save the date for this 15-week catalytic course, and learn how you can be a part of what God is doing all around the world. Registration opening soon!
Classes will meet 6:00-8:30pm on Tuesdays from January 16 - April 30
Questions? cu.perspectives@gmail.com
Hosting International Students for Thanksgiving
We currently have LOTS of international students who want to experience a Thanksgiving dinner this November. Here are Dan’s top 3 reasons why you might consider:
1. Experiencing cross-cultural relationships is awesome, interesting and enriching.
2. It’s an easy way to love and welcome others as God has loved and welcomed you (Leviticus 19:34).
3. God is actively at work bringing the nations to Himself– and He wants to use you in it!
If you’re interested, fill out this volunteer form. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dan Wang: 630-272-6269.
Women’s Retreat
Save the date for the 2024 Women’s Retreat! February 16-17, 2024. More details to follow.
Filter of Hope Trip
There will be a Filter of Hope trip to the Dominican Republic March 10-15th 2024. All ages are welcome! This is a great opportunity for families to step out in faith, pray, and experience God’s heart for the world together while we partner with a local church and bring water filters and the Gospel to homes in the DR.
Text Jess Etheridge (309) 258-0391 or Nathan Price (309) 253-0595 if you want to hear more details
This Week’s Sermon Scripture
Exodus 12:33 - 13:16