Midweek Announcements 2.14.24
Membership Classes - Start This Sunday!
If you're interested in becoming a member at CC, we invite you to attend this 3-week class. These classes are required for all prospective members. Register to attend here. Questions about membership? Email jordan@christcommunitycu.com
Pine Collective
Pine Collective is a place of belonging for individuals and families impacted by disability. We will gather once a month for lunch + fellowship to be renewed in God's purposeful plan for our uniquely designed lives. We want to be a place that acknowledges suffering and embraces God's goodness, a place that helps strengthen our church as a place of belonging for all people.
Pine trees are a symbol of steadfastness and endurance and thrive best through all seasons when planted together. Pines are a beautiful symbol of God's sustaining grace in the lives of people with disabilities.
If you, your family, or someone you care for are affected by disability, please join us for an hour over lunch! We will cater food at the Y and meet in one of the childcare rooms right after the service. First lunch is on February 25. Register today. Contact jessica.etheridge@cru.org with any questions.
Newcomer Brunch
New or new-ish to Christ Community? You are invited to a Newcomer Brunch at the Coady's home following the Renewal Gathering on February 25. RSVP Here
Sunday School - Starts this Sunday!
The 10-Week Systematic Theology class begins Feb. 18.
Registration for Sunday School opportunities is available on the Sunday School Calendar on the app or online at:
Parenting Life Groups
Parenting Life Groups are intended to provide time and space to helpfully share more with one another about the heart of parenting in the different stages of childhood through young adulthood. See the two Life Group options below:
Led by Pat & Pam Froelich - first meeting on Sunday, Feb. 25, 1:00-3:00 p.m. in their home. *This Group is At Capacity*
Led by Scott & UnChong Berkey - first meeting on Sunday, Feb. 25, 1:00-3:00 p.m. in their home.
Space limited to 3-5 parenting units per Life Group. Please plan to attend all 3 weeks of these meetings (at the first meeting the next 2 meeting times will be determined together). Register here!
Easter Baptisms
We will again be holding a baptism service on Easter Sunday. If you or your child are interested in learning more about baptism we will hold a baptism class on March 3 after the Renewal Gathering. This class is required for anyone who desires to be baptized. Register for the class here.
This Week's Sermon Scripture
Exodus 20:7, John 12:27-32
If you're interested in becoming a member at CC, we invite you to attend this 3-week class. These classes are required for all prospective members. Register to attend here. Questions about membership? Email jordan@christcommunitycu.com
Pine Collective
Pine Collective is a place of belonging for individuals and families impacted by disability. We will gather once a month for lunch + fellowship to be renewed in God's purposeful plan for our uniquely designed lives. We want to be a place that acknowledges suffering and embraces God's goodness, a place that helps strengthen our church as a place of belonging for all people.
Pine trees are a symbol of steadfastness and endurance and thrive best through all seasons when planted together. Pines are a beautiful symbol of God's sustaining grace in the lives of people with disabilities.
If you, your family, or someone you care for are affected by disability, please join us for an hour over lunch! We will cater food at the Y and meet in one of the childcare rooms right after the service. First lunch is on February 25. Register today. Contact jessica.etheridge@cru.org with any questions.
Newcomer Brunch
New or new-ish to Christ Community? You are invited to a Newcomer Brunch at the Coady's home following the Renewal Gathering on February 25. RSVP Here
Sunday School - Starts this Sunday!
The 10-Week Systematic Theology class begins Feb. 18.
Registration for Sunday School opportunities is available on the Sunday School Calendar on the app or online at:
Parenting Life Groups
Parenting Life Groups are intended to provide time and space to helpfully share more with one another about the heart of parenting in the different stages of childhood through young adulthood. See the two Life Group options below:
Led by Pat & Pam Froelich - first meeting on Sunday, Feb. 25, 1:00-3:00 p.m. in their home. *This Group is At Capacity*
Led by Scott & UnChong Berkey - first meeting on Sunday, Feb. 25, 1:00-3:00 p.m. in their home.
Space limited to 3-5 parenting units per Life Group. Please plan to attend all 3 weeks of these meetings (at the first meeting the next 2 meeting times will be determined together). Register here!
Easter Baptisms
We will again be holding a baptism service on Easter Sunday. If you or your child are interested in learning more about baptism we will hold a baptism class on March 3 after the Renewal Gathering. This class is required for anyone who desires to be baptized. Register for the class here.
This Week's Sermon Scripture
Exodus 20:7, John 12:27-32